4562 Resolution Cloudpermit Agreement

4559 Resolution Special Deputy City Attorney Policy

4558 Resolution Relating to $3,945,000 Execution of Bonds

4557 Resolution Agreement with KLJ for 911 GIS Data Management

4555 Resolution Amending Health Board

4554 Resolution Consent Order with DEQ

4553 Resolution Lease Agreement with Ronald L. Askin Drilling

4552 Resolution Service Order with JGA

4551 Resolution Fire Ambulance General Obligation Bond

4550 Resolution EMS Billing Policies

4549 Resolution Establishing Revised Ambulance Service Fees

4548 Resolution Calling Election for Local Government Review

4547 Resolution Approving Second Amended Subdivision

4543 Resolution Task Order KLJ Flood Protection

4542 Resolution Task Order with KLJ for South Gate Water Tank

4541 Resolution Transferring Bleachers to County

4539 Resolution Dispatch Policies & Procedures

4538 Resolution Findings of Fact Ask

4537 Resolution Board of Adjustments Intercap Loan

4535 Resolution CBA with AFSCME Local 283-B Union

4534 Resolution CBA with Local 283-A Union

4533 Resolution Maintenance District 207

4532 Resolution SID 205

4531 Resolution SID 204

4530 Resolution SID 202

4529 Resolution SID 195

4528 Resolution SID 173

4527 Resolution SID 172

4526 Resolution SID 171

4525 Resolution SID 167

4524 Resolution SID 165

4523 Resolution Permissive Medical Levy 23-24

4522 Resolution All-Purpose Mill Levy

4520 Resolution CBA Local 600

4521 Resolution Final Budget 22-23

4519 Resolution 2023-2023 Business Improvement District 101

4518 Resolution Agreement SDI Repainting Water Treatment Plant

4517 Resolution MCEP Infrastructure Planning Grant

4515 Resolution City County Inter-Local Agreement 2024

4513 Resolution Question of Issuing General Obligation Election

4512 Resolution Muggli Lease Agreement

4511 Resolution Jerrel Lease Agreement

4510 Resolution Lease Agreement Center Ag Supply

4509 Resolution Neiffer Lease Agreement

4508 Resolution Brosz Engineering Task Order

4507 Resolution Interstate Engineering Task Order

4506 Resolution Four-Way Stop Signs At Washington Middle School

4505 Resolution FAILED Wibaux Park Alcohol Variance

4504 Resolution Archive Social Contract

4503 Resolution Amended Social Media Policy

4502 Resolution Diamond J North Haynes Sewer

4501 Resolution Issue of General Obligation Bond

4500 Resolution 2021-2022 Business Improvement District 101

4495 Resolution Personnel Policy Update

4494 Resolution CBA 283-B 22-23

4492 Resolution Staff Reports to City Council

4491 Resolution Land Solutions to Geopland

4490 Resolution Approving Diamond J for Hangar 10

4488 Resolution Purchasing Policy

4486 Resolution Bridge and Road Safety Funds

4485 Resolution Approving Funds Letter for Slough

4484 Resolution Mill Levy Ambulance and Airport

4483 Resolution Approving 22-23 Budget

4482 Resolution Maintenance District 204

4481 Resolution Maintenance District 207

4480 Resolution Maintenance District 205

4479 Resolution SID 173

4478 Resolution SID 202

4477 Resolution SID 195

4476 Resolution SID 172

4475 Resolution SID 171

4474 Resolution SID 167

4473 Resolution SID 165

4472 Resolution Permissive Medical Levy 22-23

4470 Resolution MDU Easement

4469 Resolution Revocable License Gabriel Martinsen

4468 Resolution Final Budget 21-22

4467 Resolution Task Order KLJ

4466 Resolution Library Board MOU

4465 Resolution CBA 283-A 22-23

4464 Resolution Street Sweeping Agreement 22-23

4463 Resolution Social Media Policy

4462 Resolution MCYBA FAILED July 6th Fireworks

4461 Resolution Amending Plats in Hunters Addition

4460 Resolution Interlocal Agreement with Custer County FY 21-22

4459 Resolution Authorizing Sales Agreement with CUSI

4458 Resolution Retainer Agreement Napoli Shkolnik PLLC

4456 Resolution Committing Funds for N. 7th Water

4455 Stop Sign on Leighton

4454 PD Janitorial Kim Mees

4453 Plat Approval City View Subdivision

4452 Resolution Park Use Permit MCC Bender #3

4451 Resolution Airport Coal Board Amendment

4450 Wage Resolution 21-22

4449 Resolution Brosz Task Order

4448 Resolution Intercap Loan Acceptance

4447 Resolution Extinguishing Easement Midland

4445 Resolution Park Use Permit Youth Baseball

4444 Resolution Reappropriating ARPA Match

4443 Resolution Onix Agreement 3 Years

4442 Resolution 283B CBA 21-22

4441 Resolution Outlaw Park Use Permit

4440 Resolution MCFREM Flathead College Student Program

4439 Resolution for Hardesty and Door 804 Facade Improvements

4438 Resolution Board of Adjustments Annual Rate

4437 Resolution Amend 20-21 Budget

4436 Resolution Maintenance District #207

4435 Resolution Maintenance District #205

4434 Resolution Maintenance District #204

4433 Resolution Special Improvement District #173

4432 Resolution Special Improvement District #202

4431 Resolution Special Improvement District #195

4430 Resolution Special Improvement District #172

4429 Resolution Special Improvement District #171

4428 Resolution Special Improvement District #167

4427 Resolution Special Improvement District #165

4426 Resolution for Permissive Medical Levy 2021-2022

4425 Resolution to Operate Under the All-Purpose Mill Levy

 4424 Resolution Adopting Final Budget for FY 2021-2022

4423 Resolution Hardy Construction Police Renovation

4422 Resolution Improvement Grant Montana Theater

4421 Resolution Custer Rod & Gun Club

4420 Resolution Authorizing ARPA Match

4419 DPHHS Medicaid Supplement

4416 Drug & Alcohol Testing

4415 Resolution Drug & Alcohol Personnel Policy

4414 Resolution Revised Collective Bargaining Local 600

4413 Resolution Audit Contract with Olness & Associates

4412 Resolution Agreement with High Plains Architects

4411 Resolution PER to accept Environmental Review

4410 Resolution Agreement with JGA Architects

4409 Resolution Task Order Interstate Engineering

4408 Resolution 5 Year Agreement SDI Architects & Design

4407 Resolution 5 Year Engineering Agreement Interstate Engineering

4406 Resolution Agreement with Great West Engineering

4405 Resolution Robert Peccia Agreement

4404 Resolution 5 Year Engineering Agreement Brosz

4403 Resolution 5 Year Engineering Agreement KLJ

 4402 Resolution Big Sky Cremation Lease Agreement

4401 Resolution RSVP Criminal History Check

4400 Resolution Wage Increase Requests

4399 Resolution Non-Union Wage Matrix

4398 Resolution for Hardy Const. Contr. w Police Dept.

4397 Resolution BDS Contract for Utility Bills

4396 Resolution MDT Street Sweeping Agreement

4395 Resolution SHPO Agreement

4394 Resolution for Personnel Policy for Vacation

4393 Resolution for Flood PPI

4392 HB473 Distribution Request

4391 Resolution Establishing PD Policy Regarding Use of Force

4390 Resolution Establishing Personnel Policy for Position Descriptions

4389 Resolution Establishing Personnel Policy Regarding Performance

4387 Resolution Regarding Non-Union Staff COLA Increase

4386 Resolution Authorizing Signatories on Bank Account

4384 Resolution MOU with School District for SRO

4383 Resolution Adopting a Special Prosecution Policy

4382 Resolution Awarding Facade Grants to Buy MT, Gentry Building & Otium Brewing

4381 Resolution Legal Service Agreement with Parker, Heitz and Cosgrove, PLLC

4380 Resolution Firefighter Consortium Agreement

4379 Resolution (FAILED) Agreement with William Eckart for Flood Violations

4376 Resolution Approving Airport Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

4375 Resolution SRO Agreement with City-County-School

4374 Resolution Revising Personnel Policy for Wage Increase Requests

4373 Resolution for FY 20-21 Wages & Salaries

4372 Resolution Interstate Engineering For Prof Services on 7th St Rehab Project

4371 Resolution Approving Additional Professional Services for Underwater Discovery (Liquid Engineering)

4370 Resolution Architectural Agreement with SDI Architects & Design for Police Department

4369 Resolution Reassigning Revocable License to Bar 9 Group LLC

4368 Resolution Airport Sale Agreement with Ben Holmen

4367 Resolution Revocable License to Otium Brewing, LLC

4366 Resolution for Interfund Operating Loan for Darling Addition

4365 Resolution PUP with Outlaw Softball

4364 Resolution PUP with Miles City Chaos Softball

4363 Resolution Local 600 CBA

4362 Resolution Nuisance Weeds Assessment

4361 Resolution PUP with Miles Community College

4360 Resolution DOA 9-1-1 Grant Program Contract

4359 Resolution Granting Revocable License to Outreach Clinic for Signage

4358 Resolution PUP with Miles City AAU Football League (Miles City Youth Football Club)

4357 Resolution Revising CBA for Local 283-B

4356 Resolution Street Sweeping Agreement with DOT

4355 Resolution Local 283-A CBA

4354 Resolution Permissive Levy for Judgement

4352 Resolution Park User Permit Miles City Little Guy Football League

4351 Resolution Fixing Airport & Ambulance 20-21 Tax Levy

4350 Resolution Adopting Final Budget 20-21

4349 Resolution MD No 207 FY 20-21

4348 Resolution MD No 205 FY 20-21

4347 Resolution MD No 204 FY 20-21

4346 Resolution SID No 173 FY 20-21

4345 Resolution SID No 202 FY 20-21

4344 Resolution SID No 195 FY 20-21

4343 Resolution SID No 172 FY 20-21

4342 Resolution SID No 171 FY 20-21

4341 Resolution SID No 167 FY 20-21

4340 Resolution SID No 165 FY 20-21

4339 Resolution Permissive Medical Levy 20-21

4338 Resolution Contract with Certified WPCI Regarding Drug & Alcohol Testing

4337 Resolution Approving Airport Loan from MT Aeronautics Division

4336 Resolution Building Inspector Russell Murphy

4335 Resolution Amending Fund Balances in Final Budget for FY 19-20

4334 Resolution Designating Signers for Surplus Property Program

4333 Resolution Main Street Grant Contract #MT-MMS-20-007

4332 Resolution Approving Work Plan and Budget for FY 20-21

4331 Resolution Janitorial Contract Marilyn Forman Police Department

4330 Resolution Janitorial Service Dale’s Cleaning Service

4329 Resolution PUP for Torez Moto X Club at Spotted Eagle

4328 Resolution Amending R 4300 to Est PPFF Out-of-Town Compensation

4327 Resolution Est Date-Time for 2020 Firework Discharge

4326 Resolution Auctioneer Agreement with Ritchie Bros Auctioneers, Inc

4324 Resolution Airport Coal Board Grant #MT-CB-CG-21-0886

4323 Resolution Dept of Commerce Contract for Replacement of Water-Sewer Lines, Valves, & Hydrants

4322 Resolution Agreement with MT Disaster & Emergency Services Program for Police Body Cams

4321 Resolution Agreement with Interstate Engineering Inc for Water-Sewer Project

4320 Resolution Amend Nationwide Variable Annuity Contract

4319 Resolution Establishing Meeting Protocol During Covid-19 Period

4318 Resolution KLJ Amend Task Order 4 for Darling Addition

4317 Resolution Temporary Authority for Mayor to Approve and Authorize Contracts

4316 Resolution Intent to purchase Square 9 Software from DIS

4315 Employee ID Card Policy

4314 Resolution Revising Personnel Policies for Recruitment & Selection

4313 Resolution St of MT Agreement for HPO funding

4312 Resolution to Extend TBID District No 101 for Additional 10 Years

4311 Resolution Interlocal Agreement for MT FF Testing Consortium

4310 Resolution Maintenance Agreement with MT DOT

4309 Resolution Amend Industrial Site Lease Agreement with Cowtown Ag Supply LLC

4308 Resolution RSVP License Agmt with VA

4307 Resolution Approving Airport Loan with MDT Aeronautics

4306 Resolution Requesting Distribution of HB-473 Funds

4305 Resolution Police License Agmt with VA

4304 Resolution Local 600 Physical Examinations

4303 Resolution Amending FY 19-20 Budget

4302 Resolution Printing Contract with Boss

4301 Resolution Prosecution Agreement with John Hrubes

4300 Resolution Establishing FY 19-20 Wages

4299 Resolution Networking Agreement with DIS

4298 Resolution Boundary Line Adjustment at Baker Addition

4297 Resolution Iron Mountain Shredding Services Agreement

4296 Resolution Amending Task Order with KLJ for Darling Addn

4295 Resolution Weed Abatement September thru November 2019

4294 Resolution CBA with Local 600

4293 Resolution Revising Travel Policy

4292 Resolution Fire Dept. Agreement with Target Solutions for Computer Software

4291 Resolution Revising CBA for Local 283-B

4290 Resolution Revising CBA for Local 283-A

4289 Resolution Approving Grant Match for Darling Addition

4288 Resolution to Assess Property for Cleanup of Noxious Weeds

4287 Resolution to Assess Properties for Unpaid Utilities

4286 Resolution MOU Purchase Agreement with DOA

4285 Resolution Authorizing Amendment to FAA Runway Improvement Grant

4284 Resolution Grant Agreement With FAA for Runway Reconstruction

4283 Resolution Revising PD Policy for Active Shooter

4282 Resolution to Amend Funds for Library & Parks

4281 Resolution Approving Letter of Credit for Holding of City Funds

4280 Resolution for All-Purpose Mill Levy Operation

4279 Resolution for Approval of Final Budget Adjustments

4278 Resolution Maintenance District #207 19-20 Tax

4277 Resolution Maintenance District #205 19-20 Tax

4276 Resolution Maintenance District #204 19-20 Tax

4275 Resolution Lighting District #173 19-20 Tax

4274 Resolution Lighting District #202 19-20 Tax

4273 Resolution Lighting District #195 19-20 Tax

4272 Resolution Lighting District #172 19-20 Tax

4271 Resolution Lighting District #171 19-20 Tax

4270 Resolution Lighting District #167 19-20 Tax

4269 Resolution Lighting District #165 19-20 Tax

4268 Resolution Medical Levy for 19-20 Health Insurance

4267 Resolution to Amend FY 18-19 for Retirement

4266 Resolution for 911 Grant Agreement

4265 Resolution Budget Amendment Ambulance and Parks

4264 Resolution Airport Environmental Impact

4263 Resolution TBID Budget and Work Plan

4262 Resolution on Westwood Estates Easement

4261 Resolution Revising MCPD Policy Manual

4260 Resolution Revising Personnel Policies

4259 Resolution Street Sweeping Agreement with MDT

4258 Resolution Emergency Operations Plan

4257 Resolultion to Donate Airport Vehicle to Prairie County

4256 Resolution Boundary Line Adjustment

4255 Resolution Revised Purchasing Policy

4254 Resolution Various Funds Budget Amendment

4253 Resolution Hydrant Flushing Agreement with CCWSD

4252 Resolution 10 Year Blanket Variance for Westwood Estates

4251 Resolution- Dennis Hirsch Building Inspection Services Contract

4250 Resolution Park Use Permit- MCC and Bender Park

4249 Resolution Agreement with Western Municipal Const for Darling Addtn Phase II

4248 Resolution to Release Land from Airport

4247 Resolution CDBG Contract Amendment

4246 Resolution for 2019 Firework Discharge Regulations

4245 Resolution Approving Interlocal Agreement with CCWSD

4244 Resolution Contract with Board by Board Construction for Bender Park Repairs

4243 Resolution for Long-Term Loan with MCDC for Training Center

4242 Resolution Granting Access to MDT for Survey Operations

4241 Resolution Agreement with Interstate Engineering, Inc.

4240 Resolution Amending KLJ Task Order for Darling Addition

4239 Resolution- SHPO Agreement

4238 Resolution Approving Grant to RSVP

4237 Resolution for 2018-2019 Wage Ordinance

4236 Resolution on Public Info for Floodplain & Floodway

4235 Resolution Approving Local 283-B CBA

4234 Resolution Approving Local 283-A CBA

4233 Resolution for Local 600 CBA

4232 Resolution to donate Crown Vic to School District

4231 Resolution to Authorize Bank Signatures

4230 Resolution Bender Park Lease from Van Dyke to Miller

4229 Resolution for bridge & road fund HB 473

4228 Resolution to Amend JGA Agreement

4227 Resolution Amendment to TSEP Water Grant

4227 Resolution with TSEP water grant (PER)

4226 ChangeOrder2_DarlingAddition-Montana Civil LLC

4225 Resolution Denying Conditional Use Permit to Lee James LLC

4224 Resolution Interlocal Agreement with Custer County 18-19, 19-20

4222 Resolution Agreement with Liquid Engineering

4221 Resolultion Budget ammendment 18-19 Fire Department

4220 Resolution JGA for services to miles city fire and rescue

4219 Resolution Agreement with Target Logistics

4218 Resolution Jackson Murdo Contract – Garberson Clinic

4217 Resolution Coal Board Agreement amendment

4216 Resolution for Boss Printing

4215 Resolution Agreement with Custer Co – Joint Operation -Airport 18-19

4214 Resolution Task Order for KLJ Stormwater plan

4213 Resolution Fire Hall Ridge Cap MMIA Claim Proof of Loss

4212 Resolution Nationwide Amendment

4211 Resolution Weed Abatement June to November 2018

4210 Resolution Fire Hall MMIA Claim Proof of Loss

4209 Resolution FAILED CBA with Local 283A

4208 Resolution FAILED CBA with Local 600

4207 Resolution FAILED CBA with Local 283B

4206 Resolution Airport KLJ Amendment

4205 Resolution Askin Lease for FD

4204 Resolution Repeal Court Admin Fee

4203 Resolution FEMA Grant for SCBA Equipment

4202 Resolution FEMA and DES Slough Grant Agreement

4201 Resolution Change Order No. 1 to Montana Civil for Darling Project

4200 Resolution HB473 Distribution

4199 Resolution Ambulance FEMA Grant

4198 Resolution Kmetz Lease lots 30-32

4197 Resolution VOID Interlocal with Custer County

4196 Resolution Maguire Iron Inc

FAILED 4195 Resolution CBA with Local 283A

4194 Resolution MDU GIS – Data Exchange License Agreement

4193 Resolution Temp Closing Cemetary Road Wilson St and S. Strevell GVW 20,000

4192 Resolution VOID Accepting Barger Property

4191 Resolution Lease Cowtown Ag

4190 Resolution FAA Grant Snow Removal Equipment

4189 Resolution Set Tax Levies for FY 18-19

4188 Resolution Adopting Final Budget for FY 18-19

4187 VOID

4186 Resolution for MD 207 FY 18-19

4185 Resolution for MD 205 FY 18-19

4184 Resolution for MD 204 FY 18-19

4183 Resolution for LD 173 FY 18-19

4182 Resolution for LD 202 FY 18-19

4181 Resolution for LD 195 FY 18-19

4180 Resolution for LD 172 FY 18-19

4179 Resolution for LD 171 FY 18-19

4178 Resolution for LD 167 FY 18-19

4177 Resolution for LD 165 FY 18-19

4176 Resolution for Permissive Medical Levy FY 18-19

4175 Resolution KLJ Task Order Amendment on Darling Project

4174 Resolution Budget Amendment-On Behalf Of

4173 Resolution Change Order Ovivo

4172 Resolution K9 Training -Shallow Creek Kennels

4171 VOID

4170 Resolution Budget Amendment Health Fund

4169 Resolution Firefighter Consortium

4168 Resolution Budget Amendment LTG District 167

4167 Resolution Budget Amendment LTG District 165

4166 Resolution Street Sweeping for MDT FY 18-19

4165 Resolution 2018 Fireworks

4164 Resolution Jackson Murdo Grant Engagement Letter

4163 Resolution Dennis Hirsch Building Inspection Contract FY 18-19

4162 Resolution Coal Board Grant Engineering-Airport

4161 Resolution Budget Amendment CIP

4160 Resolution TBID Budget and Work Plan

4159 Resolution Personnel Policy Employee Orientation

4158 Resolution Fire Hydrant Flushing Agreement

4157 Resolution TSEP Planning Grant

4156 Resolution CCWSD Extension

4155 Resolution Fire Training Center Bridge Loan

4154 Resolution KLJ Agreement Airport Improvements

4153 Resolution Setting Fees for Equipment and Labor

4151 Resolution Ambulance Purchase Agreement (2nd) Sawtooth

4150 Resolution PD License for Office Space

4149 Resolution RSVP License for Office Space

4148 Resolution Revised Purchasing Policy

4147 Resolution MOU with Eastern MT Drug Task Force

4146 Resolution KLJ Task Order Clearwell Project

4145 Resolution Olness Audit Contract

4144 Resolution Waive Rental Fees Kiwanis

4143 Resolution Waive Rental Fees MCII

4142 Resolution Ambulance Purchase Agreement – Sawtooth

4141 Resolution Park Use Permit Outlaw Baseball

4140 Resolution Authorize City to Apply to MDOC -Opportunity Zone

4138 Resolution Lease Agreement Kmetz to Ailport

4137 Resolution Historic Preservation Funding Agreement – 2018

4136 Resolution State of Disaster 2 Mills

4135 Resolution URA_Public Works Budget Amendment

4134 Resolution revised police lost and found property

4133 Resolution Lease and Option Assignment to Ailport

4132 Resolution Hilleman Complex

4131 Resolution 1885 Properties Tax Exemption

4130 Resolution HB473 Distribution

4129 Resolution for Nolleys Welding Lease

4128 Lighting and Equipment rental agreement with MDU

4127 Resolution General Fund Budget Amendment

4126 Resolution Revocable License Boughton – Encroachment

4125 Resolution revising Grievance Policy

4124 Resolution Lease Rates for Industrial Park

4123 Resolution Amended Manage Monitor Leases Owned by the City

4122 Resolution Lease Agreemnt Levi and Megan Gordon on Lagoon

4121 Resolution KLJ Task Order Darling Project

4120 Resolution MOU with Local 600 Battalion Chief Hours and Vacation

4119 Resolution Assignment of Larsen.Stratford Lease

4118 Resolution Stratford Lease Agreement

4117 Resolution Budget Amendment Water

4116 Resolution Squatters Knob LLC BLA

4115 Resolution revising discipline and discharge policy

4114 Resolution Boss Printing Contract

4113 Resolution Fire Protection Agreement

4112 Resolution EMS Mutual Aid Agreement

4111 Resolution – Full MHMP

4111 Resolution MHMP Approval

4110 Resolution Apprenticeship Program Fire

4109 Resolution Personnel Policy – Recruitment & Selection

4108 Resolution VOID Agreement with Custer Co for joint operation of airport

4107 Resolution Donation of Ambulance 22 to Prairie Co

4106 Resolution Wages and Salaries FY 17-18

4105 Resolution Sensus Spectrum Lease Agreement

4104 Resolution-RESCINDED- Lift Station Maintenance

4103 Resolution MDT Amendment Manhole Relocation

4102 Resolution KLJ Pit 57 Amendment

4101 Resolution Ad Valorem Increase FY 17-18

4100 Resolution Sale-Lease of City Land

4099 Resolution for MD 207 FY 17-18

4098 Resolution for MD 205 FY 17-18

4097 Resolution for MD 204 FY 17-18

4096 Resolution for LD 173 FY 17-18

4095 Resolution for LD 202 FY 17-18

4094 Resolution for LD 195 FY 17-18

4093 Resolution for LD 172 FY 17-18

4092 Resolution for LD 171 FY 17-18

4091 Resolution for LD 167 FY 17-18

4090 Resolution for LD 165 FY 17-18

4089 Resolution for Permissive Medical Levy Fy 17-18

4088 Resolution Set Tax Levies for FY 17-18

4087 Resolution Adopting Final Budget for FY 17-18

4086 Resolution Revised Floodplain Permit Fees

4085 Resolution 4 Task Orders for KLJ – Flood Protection Project

4084 Resolution TSEP Planning Grant

4083 Resolution Extension Montana State Library (GPS/GIS Capacity)

4082 Resolution Approving TBID 101 Work Plan and Budget 2018

4081 Resolution Revised Purchasing Policy

4080 Resolution MCI II Advertising Contract and Signage for Connors Stadium

4079 Resolution_Blue Rock Distributing Advertising Contract and Signage in Connors Stadium

4078 Resolution License CCDHS Benches

4077 Resolution Broadus Interchange Agreement with State

4076 Resolution Spotted Eagle RR Crossing Agreement

4075 Resolution KLJ Task Order Amendment

4073 Resolution Various Funds Budget Amendment

4072 Resolution Wage Increase Policy

4071 Resolution Position Description Policy

4070 Resolution Mail Ballot 2017

4069 Resolution Tax Exemption Approval DNJ LLC Tiltwork

4068 Resolution As-Built Permanent Occupancy Permit

4067 Resolution SH Properties (Rolling Rubber) Sign Encroachment

4066 Resolution Singleton Industrial Site Lease Addendum

4065 Resolution Tire Guys Lease Extension

4064 Resolution United Parts & Supply Industrial Site Lease Renewal

4063 Resolution Stratford Industrial Site Lease – Larsen

4062 Resolution Airport CORS Antenna Rent Agreement

4061 Resolution Century Contract Paving Dist 204 and 205

4060 Resolution MDT Street Sweeping 17-18

4059 Resolution Miles City Levee Emergency Action Plan

4058 Resolution Fireworks 2017

4057 Resolution TSEP CG-15-744 Extension

4056 Resolution Coal Board Contract for Purchase of Ambulance

4055 Resolution Withdraw LWCF Grant Application re: Res 3899

4054 Resolution RSVP Budget Amendment

4053 Resolution Manage Monitor Leases Owned by the City

4052 Resolution Dennis Hirsch Building Inspection Contract FY 17-18

4051 Resolution Jackson Murdo Letter

4050 Resolution KLJ Task Order Agreement

4049 Resolution Adrian BLA

4048 Resolution FWP Fish Jetty Application

4047 Resolution Additional Facade Grant to 1885 Entertainment

4046 Resolution DNRC Certificate of Completion

4045 Resolution Council Vacancy Policy

4044 Resolution Adopting Long Range Transportation Plan

4043 Resolution on Intercap Loan for Flood Study

4042 Resolution KLJ Amendment 14inch Tongue River Crossing

4041 Resolution CDBG Extension-Transportation Plan

4040 Resolution CCWSD Extension

4039 Resolution Section 205 Agreement and all attachments

4038 Resolution SHPO Historic Preservation Funding Agreement

4037 Resolution MOU MT Planners

4036 Resolution Facade Grant to 1885 Entertainment

4035 Resolution Interlocal with Custer County

4033 Resolution MDT Utility Occupancy Agreement

4032 Resolution Amending FD Incident Billing

4031 Resolution Addendum to Trans Plan Agt with Interstate

4030 Resolution to Adopt Miles City Facade Grant Policy

4029 Resolution Main Street Facade Extension

4028 Resolution FWP Bat Houses

4027 Resolution FY16-17 Budget Amendment for Repair of 3 Fire Trucks

4026 Resolution Bender Park Assignment Van Dyke (replaces R3996)

4025 Resolution American Legion Parcel

4024 Resolution Transportation Plan Extension (CANCELLED-Replaced by Resolution 4029)

4023 Resolution Trans Plan Extension 2

4022 Resolution Planning-Zoning Fees

4021 Resolution 2016 1227 FY16-17 Budget Amendment CIP for Police Cars

4020 Resolution Agreement Extension Interstate Engineering

4019 Resolution LOA for Flood Services Interlocal

4018 Resolution State of Montana Property Surplus Program

4017 Resolution Miles City Facade Grant to Automatic Transmissions

4015 Resolution KLJ Pit 57 Amendment

4014 Resolution Lateral Police Pay

4013 Resolution Dispatch Supervisor Increase

4012 Resolution FD FSP Grant and Finance Pit57 Budget Amendment

4011 Resolution 2016 1213 Airport Bylaws

4010 Resolution Aaberge BLA

4009 Resolution KLJ Task Order Southgate Berm Evaluation

4008 Resolution Assignment of CM Cattle Lease to Jerry Singleton

4007 Resolution FD Incident Billing

4006 Resolution Fire Recovery USA LLC Agreement

4005 Resolution Budget Amendment Downtown Urban Renewal Dist

4004 Resolution – CANCELLED – assigned to Resolution 4044

4003 Resolution Approving Stevenson Design LOA Denton Field Pressbox

4002 Resolution Budget Amendment SID 205 Tax Assessment

4001 Resolution MD 205 for FY16-17 Amendment

4000 Resolution – VOID

3999 Resolution Personnel Policy

3998 Resolution Budget Amendment Building Planning Streets 204 205 207 Water Sewer

3997 Resolution Boss Printing Contract

3996 Resolution VOID Bender Park Assignment  (replaced by R4026)

3995 Resolution Wages Salaries FY16-17

3994 Resolution Porter FEMA Grant Contract

3993 Resolution Intent to Adopt Long Range Transportation Plan

3992 Resolution Fire Inspection Fees

3991 Resolution Fire Hydrant Flushing

3989 Resolution Trans Plan Extension

3988 Resolution PPI

3987 Resolution MC Façade Grant to Whipps-Welawiben

3986 Resolution Est Pay Rate for General Office Clerk

3985 Resolution Est Pay Rate for Planner II

3984 Resolution Establishing Pay Rate for Admin Asst-Building Permit Tech

3983 Resolution Nuisance Cleanup Fund

3982 Resolution BLA Petrik Boundary Line Adjustment

3982 MC2016 Basemap Dennis Petrik-Amended Plat

3982 Signed Application

3981 Resolution Agreement Extension Interstate Engineering

3980 Resolution KLJ Airport Pit 57

3979 Resolution Williams Brother Wastewater

3978 Resolution MCC Water Easement

3977 Resolution Budget Amendment SID 205

3976 Resolution Budget Amendment SID 204

3975 Resolution Muggli Water Line Agreement

3974 Resolution Budget Amendment Parks

3973 Resolution Budget Amendment TIFD FY16-17

3972 Resolution Approving TBID 101 Work Plan and Budget

3971 Resolution Application Spotted Eagle-FWP

3970 Resolution St V AED 

3969 Resolution AD Valorem Budgeting Increase

3968 Resolution Housing Authority

3967 Resolution For CORS Station

3966 Resolution Williams Brothers

3965 Resolution Maintenance Dist 207

3964 Resolution Maintenance Dist 205

3963 Resolution Maintenance Dist 204

3962 Resolution Lighting Dist 173

3961 Resolution Lighting Dist 202

3960 Resolution Lighting Dist 195

3959 Resolution Lighting District 172

3958 Resolution Lighting Dist 171

3957 Resolution Lighting District 167

3956 Resolution Lighting Dist 165

3955 Resolution Group Health

3954 Resolution KLJ Task Order DNRC Easement

3953 Resolution Light Dist 161

3952 Resolution State Library

3951 Resolution Demolition Process Historic Districts

3950 Resolution Tax Levy Airport Ambulance

3949 Resolution FY Adjustment within Fund

3948 Resolution WW Upgrade #6

3947 Resolution WW Upgrades #5

3946 Resolution Birchwood Properties Amendment to Regulatory Agreement-Termination of Lease

3945 Resolution WWTP Phase II Bond Approval

3944 Resolution Final Budget Light Dist 171

3943 Resolution Urban Renewal District

3942 Resolution Amended Plat Line Relocation

3941 Resolution Stein Chiro Facade Grant

3940 Resolution Amended Plat

3939 Resolution –VOID– Budget Amendment Building Inspector

3938 Resolution Tax Increment District

3937 Resolution Final Budget Airport

3936 Resolution Final Budget FY15-16

3935 Resolution KLJ Retained Assistance

3934 Resolution KLJ Agreement

3933 Resolution Vision Enterprises Preliminary Plat Approval

3932 Resolution Discharge of Fireworks Within the City Limits for the Year 2016

3931 Resolution Extention of Water Main 

3930 Resolution Lease Managment by City

3929 Resolution Diggins Lease

3928 Resolution Agreement w UBPI Pase II

3927 Resolution PWTech Dewatering Agreement

3926 Resolution Pay Rate Seasonal 283-A

3925 Resolution Street Sweeping Contract MDT

3924 Resolution Public Participation

3923 Resolution NSF Policy

3922 Resolution Building Inspector FY16-17

3921 Resolution Health Service Interlocal

3920 Resolution Shear Fun Facade

3919 Resolution Sullivan’s Facade

3918 Resolution BUY.MT Facade – COULD NOT ACCEPT GRANT

3917 Resolution Trojan Technologies for Wastewater Ultraviolet Disinfection Equipment

3916 Resolution Interlocal Agreement with Custer County For Cooperative Implementation of CDBG-ED Grant

3915 Resolution Budget FY 15163917 Res Trojan Tech

3914 Resolution Ovivo USA for Goods and Special Services Miles City Wastewater Improvements

3913 Resolution Downtown Facade Improvement Grant to Casa DiamondCOULD NOT ACCEPT GRANT

3912 Resolution Downtown Facade Improvement Grant to MT Health Network

3910 Resolution Pinnacle Towers First Amendment Headend Lease Airport

3909 Resolution Pay Rate for Parks Department Seasonal Employees

3908 Resolution Wage Increase Pool

3907 Resolution Dispatch Supervisor

3906 Resolution Animal Control Pay

3905 Resolution Extension of City Water Main to Serve Tract E of the Lothspeich Minor Subdivision

3904 Resolution Interlocal Agreement FY 1516

3903 Resolution Amended 2016 Levy SID 211

3902 Res Downtown Renewal

3901 Site Plan Review Commercial Bldg Lot 1 Block 5 Southgate Meadows Subdivision

3900 Resolution Site Plan Review Tract G-1B of the Horizon Park Subdivision

3899 Resolution Authorizing Application for Land Water Conservation Fund Assistance

3898 Resolution Miles City Facade Improvement Grant Program

3897 Resolution Monarch LTD Site Plan Review

3896 Resolutions Site Plan Review CHS Commercial Building

3895 Resolution Approving Water Main Extension

3894 Resolution Water Main Easement

3893 Resolution Onix Payment Agreement

3892 Resolution Historic Preservation Funding Agreement

3891 Resolution 15-16 Budget Increase Downtown Urban Renewal Facade

3890 Resolution Designating 2310 Fund TIF

3889 Resolution Swimming Pool Budget Amendment Revised

3888 Resolution Revised Sacred Heart Site Plan Review

3887 Resolution Outlaw Baseball Park Use Permit

3886 Resolution Youth Baseball Park Use Permit

3885 Resolution Singleton Truck Wash Authorization

3884 Resolution Flood Control Budget Amendment Professional Services

3883 Resolution Grant MT CDBG 15PL 09 Contract

3882 Resolution Authorizing Stockman Bank Sign

3881 Resolution to Approve Sewer Increase Rates

3880 Resolution  Intent to Increase Rates Miles City

3879 Resolution  Lothspeich

3878 Resolution  CDBG MCC and City Armory Interlocal

3877 Resolution  Christmas Eve Closure

3874 Resolution Nepotism Personnel Policy

3873 Resolution Budget Amendment to Ambulance Capital

3872 Resolution – Exhibit A

3872  Resolution Annexation and Extension of Service

3871 Resolution Approving MOU Dispatch Shifts

3870 Resolution VETOED Singleton Truck Wash Authorization

3869 Resolution VETOED Landlord Release Stockman Stevenson

3868 Resolution 2015 1115 Wages and Salaries FY1516

3867 Resolution Annexation and Extension of Service Plan

3866 Resolution Adopt Miles City Growth Policy

3865 Resolution Sale 502 Marion

3864 Resolution Intent to Increase Rates

3863 Resolution Bolton Lot Line Adjustment

3862 Resolution Annex Cenex

3861 Resolution RSVP Budget Amendment FY 1516

3860 Resolution Boundary KFM

3859 Resolution Comer Boundary Relocation

3858 Resolution Airport Capital Improvement Fund

3857 Resolution of Intention Growth Policy

3856 Resolution City Shop Budget Amendment FY1516

3855 Resolution Coal Board Grant Airport

3854 Resolution Approval of Agreement for Engineer

3853 Resolution Dist No 211 Bond

3852 Resolution Sewer Line Dickerson

3851 Resolution City Hall Maintenance Budget Amendment 1516

3850 Resolution Treasurer Budget Amendment 1516

3849 Resolution Agreement for Engineer Services-Sanderson Stewart

3848 Resolution Agreement for Engineer Services-Robert Peccia Assoc

3847 Resolution Agreement for Engineer Services-KLJ

3846 Resolution Agreement for Engineer Services-Interstate Engineering

3845 Resolution Approval of Agreement for Engineer Services

3844 Resolution Miles City Livestock Commission

3843 Resolution Establish Urban Renewal Agency

3842 Resolution Water and Sewer Budget Amendment

3841 Resolution Stower Commons Fee Reduction

3840 Resolution Authorizing Stockman Bank Signatories

3839 Resolution  Bartkowski License

3838 Resolution -VOID- Interdepartmental Loan

3837 Resolution Loan Runway Frank Wiley Field

3836 Resolution Authorize Multi Jurisdictional Application

3835 Resolution Revolving Fund to Secure Pymnt of Special Improvement District Bonds or Warrants

3834 Resoulution Local 600 Amended CBA

3832 Resolution Tax Maintenance Dist No 207 15-16

3831 Resolution Tax Maintenance Dist No 205 15-16

3830 Resolution Tax Maintenance Dist No 204 15-16

3829 Resolution Lighting District 173 Improvement

3828 Resolution Lighting District 202 Improvement

3827 Resolution  Lighting District 195 Improvement

3826 Resolution Lighting District 172 Improvement

3825 Resolution Lighting District 171 Improvement

3824 Resolution  Lighting District 167 Improvement

3823 Resolution  Lighting District 165 Improvement

3822 Resolution Increase Ad Valorem Tax Revenues 15-16

3821 Resolution Permissive Medical Levy

3820 Resolution Tax Levy General Fund Ambulance Fund Airport Fund 15-16

3819 Resolution Procedure for Adjustments to Appropriation

3818 Resolution Budget Amendment for FY 14-15 for Permissive Levy

3817 Resolution Interlocal Agreement in the Provision of Health Services

3816 Resolution Establishing Fees for Copies Scans

3815 Resolution Quit Claim Deed for Jerry Doeden

3814 Resolution Renovate Connors Stadium

3813 Resolution Budget Approval 2015-2016 Tourism Improvement District

3811 Resolution Ambulance 14-15 Budget Expenses

3810 Resolution Fireworks

3809 Resolution Hist Pres 14-15 Budget Revenues

3808 Resolution Funding of the School Resource Officer

3807 Resolution 0714 Final Budget Amendment Retirement Accounts

3806 Resolution Building Inspection Contract

3805 Resolution City Health 14-15 Budget Inc

3804 Resolution Capital Improvement for Ambulance

3803 Resolution Fire Hydrant Flushing Agreement

3802 Resolution Americorps NCCC

3801 ResolutionJanitorial Service Marilyn Foreman

Update Resolution 3801

3800 Resolution 2015 0526 Janitorial Agreement with Dale Petroff

3799 Resolution Donation Agreement Wells Fargo 502 Marion Property

3798 Resolution 2015 0526 MDOT Street Sweeping Agreement

3797 Resolution 2015 0519 Joint Flood Protection Project

3796 Resolution 2015 0428 Body Camera Furniture Budget Increase MCPD

3795 Resolution SD211 2015 0825

3794 Resolution 2015 0512 Final Budget FY

3793 Resolution 2015 0414 Boundary Line Relocation for Recreation Lanes – Duffy – Lots 3-6, Block 45 in Original Townsite

3792 Resolution 2015 0414 Intent to Create a Tax Increment Authority – TIF –

3791 Resolution 2015 0324 Approve new By-Laws for the Miles City Airport Board

3790 Resolution 2015 0424 Partial Funding for the HIstorical Preservation Office

3789 Resolution 2015 0324 Miles City Area Transportation Plan

3788 Resolution 2015 0424 Adopt Leave Administration Policy for City Personnel Policy

3787 Resolution FAILED  2015 0414 To Increase salaries of elected officials

3786 Resolution 2015 0428 Purchasing Policy for the City

3785 Resolution 2015 0310 – KFM Inc Boundary Line Relocation

3781 Resolution 2015 0310 – Ambulance Collection Policy

3780 Resolution 2015 0224 – Lankmark Land Company LLC Easement for road access and utilities

3779 Resolution 2015 0224 – Landmark Land Company LLC Easement for Road Purposes

3778 Resolution 2015 0227 – Budget Amendment CTEP Tatro Sidewalk paid under protest

3777 Resolution 2015 0224 – Amendment to Engineer-Owner Agreement with Kadrmas, Lee & Jackson for flood mitigation plan

3776 Resolution 2015 0310-Olness three year Audit Contract

3774 Resolution 2015 0210-M&L Enterprises Agreement for Subdivision Phase Deadline Extension – Southgate Phase II, III and IV

3773 Resolution 2015 0127-To Adopt a Part-Paid Firefighter & Emergency Care Provider Requirements Policy

3772:  VOID Number Abandoned

3771:  VOID – lost funding for CTEP/Denton Field Sidewalk Project

3770 Resolution-2015 0113-FY14-15 Budget amendment for dispatch

3769 Resolution -2015 0113-Dorsey & Whitney Proposal re sewer system revenue bond for wastewater treatment plant upgrades

3768 Resolution- 2014 1223-Approving Water Court Settlement

3767 Resolution-2015 0113-FY 14-15 budget amendment to purchase two police vehicles

3766 Resolution-2014 1223-FY 14-15 budget amendment for Historic Preservation

3765 Resolution-2014 1209-Support of Local Government Center

3764 Resolution-2014 1125- Tumblewood Extension Agreement

3763 Resolution 2014 1125-Board of Health and State of Montana DHHS Contract for 2015

3762 Resolution 2014 1125-Peccia Engineering WWTP Contract

3761 Resolution – 2014 1125 – Lift Station Grant Resolution

3760 Resolution 2015 01125-Joint City County Resolution for Interlocal Agreement for FY14-15

3759 Resolution 2014 1112 DIS Technologies Contract

3758 Resolution 2014 1028 Granting Revocable License to Living Way Fellowship Church for angle parking on Missouri Avenue and South 7th Street

3757 Resolution 2014 1028 Approving Letter of Continuing Support to Neighborwords Montana and its Grant Program First Time Homebuyers Assistance

3756 Resolution 2014 1014 Approve Personnel Policies for Employment Information and Employee Benefits

3755 Resolution – Unison Agreement #2 – FAILED

3754 Resolution-2014 1014-FAILED – Treasurer Health Insurance

3753 Resolution 2014 1014 DOWL HKM Contract Water Sewer Capacity Study

3752 Resolution 2014 1014 Intent to Create a Downtown Urban Renewal District TIF – Changing the Boundaries

3751 – Unison agreement – FAILED

3750 Resolution Salary Resolution for FY14-15

3649 Exhibit A to Res 3649 to revise background investigation policy

3748 Resolution 2014 1014 DeGrandpre Contract 2014-2015 – Planning Consultant

3747 Resolution 2014 0923 Boundary Line Adjustment – Dyba – Lots 1-3 in Block 8 of Jackson and Arnold Addition

3746 Resolution New Personnel Policy establishing sick and vacation leave donation policy

3745 Resolution 2014 0923 Revising Personnel Policies regarding anti discrimination, recruitment and hiring

3744 Resolution RSVP three year VA Lease

3743 Resolution 2014 0923 Establishing compliance with reimbursement bond regulations under the Internal Revenue Code

3742 Resolution to Establish an Economic Development Revolving Loan Fund for Business Retention and Expansion

3741 Resolution

3740 Resolution 2014 0826 CTEP – Bike and Pedestrian Path

3739 Resolution-2014 0826-Intergovernmental Transfer Agreement for Medicaid Supplement Payment with MDPHHS

3738 Resolution 2014 0812 Agreement with Custer County and School Board for SRO – School Resource Officer for FY 14-15

3737 Resolution 2015 0814-M & L Enterprises Contract for Southgate, Arrowhead Drive Curb, Gutter & Gravel

3736 Resolution 2014 0812 Engineering Services Agreement with KLJ Kadrmas Lee and Jackson for Tongoue River 14 inch Water Main Crossing

3735 Resolution-2014 0812-Renewable Resource Grant Agreement with Conservation and Resource Development Division of DNRC

3734 Resolution-2014 0812-FY13-14 Budget Amendment for LD 165

3733 Resolution-2014 0812-FY13-14 Budget Amendment for RSVP

3732 Resolution 2014 0812 Amendment of Final FY13-14 budget for Emergency Disaster fund 2260

3731 Resolution-2014 0826-FY13-14 Budget Amendment Lighting District No. 202 Fund 2470

3730 Resolution 2014 0812 Approve reduction in bldg prmt and wtr and swr hookup fees for Stower Commons

3729 Resolution 2014 0812 To Amend SID No 211 – Arrowhead Lane Within Southgate Meadows Subdivision

3728 Resolution 2014 0812 FY Agrmt with Custer County for Flushing Hydrants

3727 Resolution 2014 0812 Work Plan and Budget for Business Improvement District No 101 – TBID – for FY 14-15

3726 Resolution 2014 0812 Maintenance District No 207 for FY 14-15

3725 Resolution 2014 0812 Maintenance District 205 for FY 14-15

3724 Resolution 0812 Maintenance District No 204 for FY 14-15

3723 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District No 173 for FY 14-15

3722 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District No 202 for FY 14-15

3721 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District No 195 for FY 14-15

3720 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District No 172 for FY 14-15

3719 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District No. 171 for FY 14-15

3718 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District 167 for FY 14-15

3717 Resolution 2014 0812 Lighting District No. 165 for FY 14-15

3716 Resolution 2014 0812 Ad Valorem for FY 14-15

3715 Resolution 2014 0812 Permissive Medical Levy for FY 14-15

3714 Resolution 2014 0812 To Open South Custer Avenue between Pearl Street and Fort Street during Limited Hours

3713 Resolution 2014 1014 Establishing Fees for Processing Citations in City Court

3712 Resoluiton 2014 0812 To Send Question of Exceeding the Statutory Mill Levy to Fund Over Expenditure in Ambulance Fund No. 5510

3711 Resolution 2014 0826 Adopting Final Budget for FY 14-15

3710 Resolution 2014 0826 To set Mill Levies for FY 14-15

3709 Resolution 2014 0722 Correcting Resolution 3697 – On Behalf of Retirement Accounts for FY14-15


3707 Resolution 2014 0708 Attorney W G Gilbert Contract for Water Court Services

3706 Resolution 0708 Vacating Discontinuing and Closing Alley in Block 2 of Milwaukee Park Addn for Doedens

3705 Resolution 2014 0708 Intent to Creat a Downtown Urban Renewal District with Tax Increment Authority – TIFD

3704 Resolution 2014 0708 Century Contract for Curb Gutter Sidewalks at Triangle Park

3703 Resolution 2014 0708 Century Contract for Paving in Maintenance Districts 204 and 205

3702 Resolution 2014 0624 Dedication of Frisbee (Folf) Golf Course

3701 Resolution 2014 0624 Boundary Line Relocation in Highland Park Addition in Block 3 for Karl Muri

3700 Resolution 2014 0624 Concrete Monument at Tedesco Field by Outlaw Baseball Club

3699 Resolution 2014 0624 Discharge of Fireworks

3698 Resolution 2014 0624 Authorization to Enter Into a Gravel Stockpile Lease with State of Montana Dept of Transportation

3697 Resolution 2014 0624 On Behalf Of Retirement Accounts for FY 14 15

3696 Resolution 2014 0624 Adopting a Special Prosecution Policy

3695 Resolution 2014 0624 FY 13-14 budget amendment for LD 167

3694 Resolution 2014 0624 FY 13-14 Budget Amendment for LD 165

3693 Resolution 2014 0624 FY13-14 Budget Amendment for CApital Improvement Fund to purchase two police vehicles

3692 Resolution 2014 0624 Budget Amendment for FY 13-14 for Airport

3691 Resolution 2014 0624 FY 13-14 Budget Amendment for Building Inspector Fund

3690 Resolution 2014 0610 Authorizing Outlaw Baseball Club to place a plaque in the new pressbox at Tedesco Field in honor of CW Wilcox

3689 Resolution 2014 0624 Amendment of FY 13-14 for Historic Preservation

3688 Resolution 2014 0610 to receive Grants from Sandra Anderson Donor Advised Fund for the Tax Increment Finance District Project

3687 Resolution 2014 0610 Main Street Program Grant Contract with Montana Department of Commerce

3686 Resolution 2014 0610 Feasibility of an Urban Renewal Plan with a Tax Increment Finance District for Downtown – TIFD

3684 Resolution 2014 0610 Street Sweeping and Flushing Agreement with State of Montana

3683 Resolution 2014 0610 Janitorial Contract with Marilynn Formandba MMF Cleaning

3682 Resolution 2014 0610 Janitorial Contract with Dale Petroff

3681 Resolution 2014 0527 AuthorizingSignatories on City Bank Accounts

3680 Resolution 2014 0513 Approve amended plat to Adjust Boundary line for Hathaway; lots 31-34 of Blk 1 of Miles Addn

3679 Resolution 2014 0527 Dennis Hirsch building inspection contract FY 2014-2015

3678 Resolution 2014 0714 Memorandum of Understanding with MCC for use of equipment for student training

3677 Resolution 2014 0422 Increase Funding for Land Solutions Contract

Resolution 3576_010813_Joint resolution of County Commissioners and City Council increasing Airport membership from five to seven members

3675 Resolution-2014 0408- CDBG Contract #13PL-03 for Floodplain Feasibility Study

3674 Resolution 2014 0422 Granting Revocable License to Great Falls Holdings, LLC, to install water service lines in the right of way area north of Tompy Street between Doeden and S Haynes

3673 Resolution 2014 0408 Establishing Boundaries for Leaseholds of Industrial Site Property

3672 Resolution:  2014 0325 Granting Statutory Authority to City Sanitarian (waiting for Health Board signatures)

3671 Resolution-2014 0325-Amend Final Budget for Historic Preservation

3670 Resolution-2014 0311-Landlord Release with Stockman Bank of Sidney regarding Border Steel

3669 Resolution-2014 0225-Agreement with Lucas & Tonn for Legal Services of Assistant City Attorney

3668 Resolution 2014 0722 Interlocal Agreement for Montana Firefighters Testing Consortium

3667 Resolution-2014 0225-State of Montana Historical Preservation Agreement for partial funding of the Historic Preservation Officer position

3666 Resolution 2014 0325 Approving MMIA revised workers’ compensation agreement

3665 Resolution-2014 0225-State of Montana Dept of Transportation for cold milled bituminous material

3664 Resolution-2014 0225-Revising City Personnel Policy Manual regarding FMLA

3663 Resolution-2014 0213-Amending Res 3658 calling for election on Local Government Review and Study Commission

3662 Resolution-2014 0128-Budget Amendment for Fire and Ambulance regarding personnel allocation

3661 Resolution-2014 0128-Paygov Contract

3660 Resolution-2014 0128- Tumblewood Sanitation Inspection Services Contract for 2014

3659 Resolution-2014 0114- approving interlocal agreement with custer county for FY 13-14

3658 Resolution-2014 0114-calling for an election on the question of condusting a local government review and establishing a study commission

3657 Resolution-2014 0103-Tetra Tech Consulting Services Agreement

3656 Resolution-2014 0114-Board of Health Contract with Montana Dept of Health

3655 Resolution – 2014 0117 – of Intent to Deannex Super 8   NOT PASSED

3654 Resolution – 2013 1217 – DNRC Grant Agreement

3653 Resolution 2013 1210 Authorizing Assignment of Industrial Site Lease from Stablers to Border Steel

3652 Resolution-2013 1210-relating to first amended and restated water system revenue bonds (DNRC drinking water state revolving loan program) amending authorizing resolution adopted 2-12-08 and bonds

3651 Resolution-2013 1210-CDBG grant for study for TIFD

3650 Resolution accepting DNRC Flood Feas Grant 2013 1126

3649 Resolution revising personnel policy re background investigations 2013 1112

3648 Resolution-2013 1112-M&L contract for payment of paving expenses relating to SID #211

3647 Resolution approving VA lease for RSVP for FY 13-14 2013 1112

3646 Resolution-2013 1112-Work Plan and Budget for TB ID RY13-14

3645 Resolution to revise conditions of Plat PP-2012-01 Southgate Subdivision 2013 1024

3644 Resolution to Create SID 211 at Southgate Meadows 2013 1024

3643 Resolution granting an easement to Qwest Corp DBA CenturyLink QC in Wild Rose Park Southgate 2013 10 24

3642 Resolution establishing wages and salaries for FY 13-14 2013 1022

3641 Resolution to accept Grant for Water Sewer Capacity Study of Miles City and Custer County WSD 2 2013 1008

3641 Resolution – Exhibit A 2013 1008

Res. 3640 – Exhibit A – Century Paving for repair work along 8th and Stower 2013 1008

3639 Resolution authorizing historic preservation officer to apply for CDBG and MT Main Str Program Grant 2013 0924

3638 Resolution HKM for CTEP SRTS admin 2013 0924

3637 Resolution Dike Feas Grant Match Money 2013 0924

3636 Resolution Land Planning Services 2013 0924pdf

3635 Resolution_2013 0910 adopting PPI

3634 Resolution to Remove all Handicapped Parking Signs on N half of E side of N 11th St. between Pleasant and Main

3633 Resolution to enter into an agreement with Custer County and the School Board to fund an SRO FY13-14

3632_08132013_Resolution for Ad Valorem Increase FY1314

3631  Resolution for Permissive Med Levy FY1314

3630 Resolution for LD 202 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3629 Resolution for LD 195 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3628 Resoluiton for LD 173 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3627 Resolution for LD 162 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3626 Resolution for LD 171 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3625 Resolution for LD 167 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3624 Resolution for LD 165 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3623 Resolution for MD 207 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3622 Resolution for MD 205 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3621 Resolution for MD 204 for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3619 Resolution Tatro Street Construction

3618 Resolution of Intent PPI

3617 Resolution to Operate under Al purpose mill levy for FY 13-14 2013 0827

3616 Resolution adopting Final Budget for FY 13-14 2013

3615 Resolution for Tatro CTEP Funds

3614 Resolution Granting Revocable License to Brandon Kelm for a Fence Encroachment at 805 S Custer AVe

3613 Resolution Establishing dates times and locations for discharge of fireworks in City limits – 2013

3612 Resolution Short Form Contract with KLJ

3611 Resolution authorizing a memo of understanding with Dave Shepherd for Polaris Ranger 2013 0625

3610 Resolution Lease to Stabler Lots 25 and 26 Industrial

3609 Resolution Modifying the Established Wage for Swimming Pool Life guards for FY 2012-2013

3608 Resolution for CTEP SRTS Project Agreement Mod

3607 Resolution adopting Historic Preservastion Commission Fees

3606 Resolution for Paving Contract with Century Paving

3605 Resolution of intent to establish fees for historic preservation commission services

3604 Resolution angle parking J and T Property Mgt

3603 Resolutino for FY 2012-2013 Budget Amendment for Airport

3602 Amending final FY12-13 budget for Building Inspector

3601 Resolution for Budget Amendment for FY12-13 on Behalf of Retirement Accounts

3600 Resolution to purchase John Deere Excavator from RDO equipment

3599 Resolution for CAT Backhoe from T and E3598 Resolution granting revocable license to Shanna Abbot for fence encroachment 2013 0611

3598 Resolution granting revocable license to Shanna Abbot for fence encroachment 2013 0611

3597 Resolution Authorzing the Custer County Rod & Gun Club to give Marksmanship Lessons at the City Shooting Range

3596 Resolution for Street Sweeping Contract

3595 Resolution adopting RSVP Criminal Check Policy

3594 Resolution revising City of Miles city Personnel Policies regarding Recruitment and Selection

3593 Resolution replaced with 3597 – Rod & Gun Club

3591 Resolution authorizing placement of signs prohibiting the use of unmuffled compression brakes

Resolution 3590_042313_Authorize City to enter into contract for Natural Oasis building roof with Seabolt Construction

Resolution 3589_042313_Contract with Dennis Hirsch for Building Inspection Services for FY 12-13

Resolution 3588_042313_Intent to create Special Improvement District 211 to improve and pave and curb and gutter portion of Arrowhead Lane in Southgate Meadows

Resolution 3587_040913_Approving real property lease between City and Greg and Alice Kmetz Lots 28-32, Tract E, Industrial Tract

Resolution 3586_042313_Annexing Lothspeich Minor Subdivision together with Tract 1 of Stoltz Tracts

Resolution 3585_032613_Approving Interlocal Agreement with Custer County for services for FY2012-2013

Resolution 3584_032613_Resolution of intent to annex lands wholly surrounded by City Lothspeich Minor Subdivision together with Tract 1,Stoltz Tract

Resolution 3582_022613_Approving property lease between City and William Matzen for City impound lot

Resolution 3581_022613_Purchase 4×4 Utility Work Machine (toolcat) from Riverside Marine & Cycle (Bobcat of Miles City)

Resolution 3580_031213_Authorize City to enter into construction agreement with Western Municipal Const for Strevell Area Stree & Water Improvements

Resolution 3579_021213_Authorize City to apply for Mt. Dept. of Commerce Mt. Main Street Program

Resolution 3577_031213_Authorize City to enter into a City printing contract with Star Printing Company

Resolution 3576_010813_Joint resolution of County Commissioners and City Council increasing Airport membership from five to seven members

Resolution 3575_121112_Authorize amendment of ambulance billing services agreement with Montana Emercency Healthcare Consultants (Solestone Reimbursement Services

Resolution 3574_010812_Approving settlement agreement with Ahanu, CMG, North American Specialties Ins. regarding disputes and claims for Phase 3 Wtr Main Replacement Proj.

Resolution 3573_010813_Authorize change order no. 6 to CMG on contract for water system Phase 3 20 inch transmission main

Resolution 3572_121112_FAILED

Resolution 3571_012213_Authorize City to enter into agreement with Tumblewood Development Inc for Sanitation Inspection Services

Resolution 3570_121112_Authorize Change Order 1 to Dick Anderson Constr. on contract for Haynes Ave. Lift Station project

Resolution 3569_111212_Designating the City clerk as the City’s representative for Hazard Mitigation Grant Program

Resolution 3568_121112_Enter into State-Local Disaster Assistance Agreement with FEMA and Mt. Disaster and Emergency Servs for Hazard Mitigation Grant

Resolution 3567_121112_Approving tax compliance procedures relating to tax-exempt bonds

Resolution 3566_121112_Authorizing placement of stop signs on intgersection of Pleasant and North Center

Resolution 3565_121112_Joint resolution City and County relating to Rural Special Improvement district for sewer to include four parcels in City of Miles CityResolution

3563_121112_Authorize grant agreement with MDT under Community Transportation Enhancement Prog-safe Routes to School for safe walking to Garfield School

Resolution 3562_111312_Authorizing city of Miles City to enter into agreement with Janette Kruztfeldt Jones for Legal Services

Resolution 3561_111312_Authorize City to sell real property to BAM LLC (W35′, Lot 2, Legion #2)

Resolution 3559_111312_Authorize ambulance billing agreement between City and Mt. Emercency Healthcare (Solestone) See amended Ord. 3575

Resolution 3560_102312_Amendment to agreement with DOWL LLC for engineering services for Riverside Park Path Project

Resolution 3558_111312_Approving agreement with State DEQ for City to review certain water supply, wastewater, solid waste and storm wtr systems in subdivisions and reimbursement

Resolution 3557_100912_Authorizing City to enter into construction agreement with Jarrett Constr. for repairs to Flood Levee

Resolution 3556_102312_Assignment from Bullis Graves Cremation to Big Sky Cremation Services upon Lots 4&5, Tr E, Industrial Site

Resolution 3555_101512_Construction agreement with Jackson Contractor Group for construction of pathway and restroom improvements in Riverside Park

Resolution 3554_092512_Amendment to construction agreement with Dick Anderson Construction for Schedule I Wastewater Improvements (Haynes Lift Station)

Resolution 3553_102312_FY 2012-2013 Budget Amendment-capital improvement fund 4000 to purchase prisoner transport van

Resolution 3552_102312_Levy assessment FY 2012-2013 for Business Improvement District (TBID)

Resolution 3551_102312_Work Plan and budget for FY 2012-2013 for Business Improvement District No. 101 (TBID)

Resolution 3550_102312_Wage and Salaries City employees FY 2012-2013

Resolution 3547_092512_Amendment of FY 12-13 final budget to appropriate unappropriated revenues to Library Grant Fund 2880 for expenditures

Decision Water Rates_092512_Decision to decrease water rates for 2 years and increase for 13 years

Resolution 3544_091112_Participation in State of Montana Surplus Property Program

Resolution 3543_082812_authorize City to dispose of surplus used snow plow by transferring to Town of Terry

Resolution 3542_082812_Authorize City to dispose of walk in cooler at former Fish & Game quonset transfer to Range Riders Inc

Resolution 3541_082412_Void

Resolution 3557_100912_Authorizing City to enter into construction agreement with Jarrett Constr. for repairs to Flood Levee

Resolution 3549_092512_Annex portion of right of way of Highway 59 S(commonly known as the Super 8 Motel property)

Resolution 3546_091112_Authorizing leasing to Duane & Jane Bundy, a tract of land on the perimeter of Sewage Treatment Plant in S22,T8N,R47E

Resolution 3538_081412_Authorize city to ent4er into easement agreement with Tongue River Electric for electric line along Horizon Parkway

Resolution 3536_081412_Designating loading zone on NW corner of Washington at intersection with 8th st and granting permit to Ed Martin for placement of loading zone signs

Resolution 3521 081412_Authorize construction agreement with Dick Anderson Construction for construction of Schedule 1 Haynes Avenue Lift Station

Resolution 3520_072412_Approving Construction Agreement with Williams Bros for Sched 2 Improvements to Wasterwater System_Resolution 3538_081412_Authorizing City to enter into an easement agreement with Tongue River Electric Coop for electric line along Horizon Parkway

Resolution 3523_072412_change order No. 1 to Pittsburg Tank & Tower on contract for demolition of 1911 Elevated water Tank in Riverside Park

Resolution 3522_072412_Authorizing City to enter into contruction agreement with Pittsburg Tank & Tower for demolition of 1911 elevated water tank in Riverside Park.tif

Resolution 3519_081412 Relating to $1,810,000 Sewer System Revenue Bonds

RResolution 3518_091112_Authorizing City to contract with Dennis Hirsch for Building Inspection Services for FY 12-13

Resolution 3517_072412_Granting revocable license to Holy Rosary Healthcare Foundation for bench encroachment on city right of way on east side of sS. Strevell, south of intersection with Boutelle Street.tif

Resolution 3516_081412_Intent to annex contiguous government lands portion of right of way of Highway 59 South(see legal description) Super 8 Motel

Resolution 3515_081412_Annexing lands to City of Miles City by petition of landowner, Tract 1, S2,T7N,R47E (commonly known as Super 8 Motel Property)

Resolution 3513_081412_Intgent to decrease for 2 years, then incrementally increase for 13 years, monthly water rates

Resolution 3511_070212_Establishing dates, times, and locations for discharge of fireworks in the City limits and permitting public display by VFW Post 1579

Resolution 3510_061212_Ratify leter of agreement concerning wages and extension of terms of Collective Bargaining Agreements with Uniions 283A, 283B, Local 600 and non-organized staff for FY12-13 through FY17-18

Resolution 3509_072612_Authorizing City to enter into agreement extending term of contract with Marilyn Forman for Janitorial Services for Police Dept. Building for one year

Resolution 3508_072612_Agreement extending term of contract with Progressive Cleaning Services for janitorial services for City Shop for one year

Resolution 3507_062612_Amendment of FY 11-12 budget for State of Montana payments on Behalf of Retirement Accounts

Resolution 3506_062612_Leasing to Todd Neiffer and Elizabeth Neiffer Lots 6 and 7 of Tract E, Industrial Site

Resolution 3505_062612_Authoriz City to enter into agreement extendin contract with Dale’s Cleaning for janitorial services for one year

Resolution 3504_062612_Contract with Olness & Asso. for audit services for FY11 12 FY12 13 FY13 14

Resolution 3503_062612_Designating City Sanitarian as Code Enforcement Officer for purposes of Chapter 15 of Miles City Code regarding Nuisances

Resolution 3502_061212_Designating Flood Administrator as the Environmental Preparer for Neighborworks Mt. Home Grant Application for First Time Homebuyer Assistance Program

Resolution 3501_062612_Budget Amendment FY11-12 to appropriate unanticipated revenues to Library Grant Fund 2880 for office supplies and materials

Resolution 3500_062612_Budget Amendment FY11-12 to appropriate unanticipated revenues to Lighting District 165 Fund 2400 for electrical utilities

Resolution 3499_062612_Budget Amendment FY11-12 to appropriate unanticipated revenues to Airport Fund 5610 for Fuel Supplies

Resolution 3498_062612_Budget Amentment FY11-12 to appropriate unanticipated revenues to Building Inspector Fund 2394 for Contracted Professional Servicess

Resolution 3497_061212_ Approving Industrial Site Lease Ray and Peg Jerrel (2)

3098 Resolution Interlocal Agreement w CCWSD