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City Water/Sewer Payment

CLICK HERE to pay your Water/Sewer Bill online.

Public Service Announcement
March 17, 2020

As our community continues to prepare for the corona virus, accompanied by an increase in the use of disinfection wipes, I want to remind everyone that these types of products should be thrown in the trash after use, NOT flushed down the toilet. The sewer system in your house/facility and in the city itself was designed to handle human waste and toilet paper. It was not designed to handle items like feminine hygiene products, disinfection wipes, hand wipes, baby wipes, personal wipes, paper towels or tissues. Toilet paper is designed to dissolve in water. Even though some of these other products are labeled as “Flush-able” they do not dissolve in water and tend to accumulate in the sewer system, eventually causing a backup. There are areas in the city sewer system where we currently have issues with these products. An increase in the amount of these products flushed down the system will make the problem areas worse, create new ones, and could also plug your service line causing a backup into your home/facility.

Department of Public utilities.

GO GREEN with Email Billing: No More Paper Statements!
Receive your water/sewer bill via email.

To sign up for email billing, please print the Email Billing Request Form, fill it out, and return it to City Hall. The form can also be scanned and sent via PDF to  ubc2@milescity-mt.org  

Automatic Payment Withdrawal
To setup automatic Water/Sewer payment withdrawal from your Checking Account, please use one of the following options:

Print out the Electronic Payment Form PDF, Complete it, and Return it to City Hall.
Download the Electronic Payment Form, Complete it and Save it to your Computer or Mobile Device, and Email the Completed Form to:  ubc2@milescity-mt.org

Drinking Water Quality
Click the link to Download 
2021 CCR Annual report