Zoom Link for City Council Meetings
2nd and 4th Tuesday of every month @ 6:00P.M.
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Meeting ID: 406 234 3462 Passcode: 59301
Welcome to our city with approximately 8,475 residents.
We have a rich western heritage along with modern hospitality.
Feel free to call us anytime Monday-Friday 8:00a.m.- 5:00p.m.
See what meetings are going on at City Hall here!
November 19, 2024
The City Council of the City of Miles City has vacancies on several non-standing Boards and/or Committees.
- Interim Miles City City Council Ward I
- The Miles City Zoning Commission – 1 vacancy
- The Miles City Board of Adjustments – 1 vacancy
- The Miles City Planning Board – 1 vacancy
- The Miles City Ethics Committee (Ordinance 1372), which will consist of three (3) members and one (1) alternate member, who should be appointed and ready to serve in the event that a Committee member is unable or unavailable to serve. The members and alternate shall be appointed by the City Council for not more than three (3) consecutive, three-year terms. Members shall be qualified electors and residents of the City. Members shall not be City officers, employees, or elected officials. As is reasonably possible, the members shall have experience and or training in the following:
1. Public administration;
2. Governmental operation;
3. Political practices; or
4. Legal practice.
The first appointee to the Miles City Ethics Committee shall serve an initial term of three (3) years, the second appointee shall serve an initial term of two (2) years, and the third appointee shall serve an initial term of one (1) year.
Persons interested in being appointed to a Committee should submit a letter indicating the reasons for their interest and describing their relevant background. Letters of interest should be hand delivered to the City Clerk’s Office at 17 S 8th Street, e-mailed to cityclerk@milescity-mt.org or mailed to the City of Miles City c/o City Clerk, PO Box 910, Miles City, MT 59301. City of Miles City Council will interview applicants and make the appointments at the next regular City Council meeting.
If you have any questions, please call the City Clerk’s Office at 874-8602.
Thank you for visiting
our website and hope
you can find everything
you need.
If not, please contact us at 406-234-3462.
For Payments of building permits, water & sewer, etc.
Use the drop off box behind City Hall located at 17 S. 8th St.
PayGov.us. A 2.5% fee will be accessed.
location code 3388 water /3389 finance