Public Ordinances

Click Here for the Miles City Municipal Code.

Individual Ordinances

1384 Ordinance Zone Change MIlwaukee Park

1379 Ordinance Repealing Flouridation

1378 Ordinance Building Permit and Plan Review Fees

1377 Ordinance Amending Appendicies to the Building Code

1376 Ordinance Repealing 1370 Setting Ambulance Fees

1375 Ordinance Adopting Revised Building Codes

1374 Ordinance Ask Zoning Change

1373 Ordinance Re-Enacting Alcoholic Beverage Licenses

1372 Ordinance Ethics Committee

1371 Ordinance Repealing License Requirements

1370 Ordinance Establishing New Ambulance Rates

1369 Ordinance 2021 International Fire Code

1368 Ordinance Regarding Elective & Appointed Officers

1367 Ordinance Installation & Maintenance of Service Pipes

1366 Ordinance Noise Code of Ordinances

1365 Ordinance Establishing New Rates for Ambulance

1364 Ordinance Revised Building Codes

1363 Ordinance Changing the Zoning of Woodland Park Addition

1362 Ordinance Regarding Discontinue of Flood Control Committee

1361 Ordinance Prohibiting Use of Electronic Communication While Driving

1360 Ordinance Regarding Angle Parking

1359 Ordinance Regarding U-Turns in School Zones

1358 Ordinance Amending Flood Code

1357 Ordinance Regarding Municipal Infractions

1356 Changing Zoning Lots 5-8 Block 30 Milwaukee Park Addition

1355 Revised License Permit Fees

1354 Ordinance Water and Sewer Admin Rules 1354 Ordinance Water and Sewer Admin Rules

1353 Ordinance Sidewalk Construction

1352 Ordinance MDU Franchise Agreement

1351 Ordinance Subdivision Improvements

1350 Ordinance Board of Health and Disease

1349 Ordinance Angle Parking

1348 Ordinance Revising Truck Route

1347 Ordinance Revised Building Codes

1346 Ordinance Revising Urban Renewal 7-57 to 7-62

1345 Ordinance Amending Unclaimed Animal Code

1344 Ordinance Amending Section 12-75 Flood Code

1343 Ordinance Revising Limited Parking Zone Locations

1342 Ordinance Removing Antiquated Building Code Sections

1341 Ordinance Repealing Code of Ordinances for Police Advisory Committees

1340 Ordinance Amending City Limits Legal Description

1339 Ordinance to Extend TBID for 10 Years

1338 Ordinance Revising Fire Prevention Code

1337 Ordinance Revising Building Code to Update State Regulations

1336 Ordinance Revising Building Regulation Penalties

1335 Ordinance Revising Public Nuisance

1334 Ordinance Establishing 2019 Ambulance Rates

1333 Ordinance Removing Definition of Sewer & Water Service

1332 Ordinance Repealing Switchblade Prohibition

1331 Ordinance to Change Fluoride in Miles City Water

1330 Ordinance Amending Advertising-Opening Bid for Purchasing

1329 Ordinance Subdivision Regulations update 2018

1328 Ordinance Rezone Lee James LLC-KannaKare

1327 Ordinance Rezone Omni Corp

1326 Ordinance Mid-Rivers Cable TV Franchise

1325 Ordinance Park Use Permit Requires Insurance

1324 Ordinance Water Sewer Admin Rules 2018

1323 Ordinance City Council Meeting Time

1322 Ordinance Revising curb, meter and service line

1321 Ordinance TIFD Boundary line Change

1320 Ordinance Enacting New Section 12 to Flood

1319 Ordinance Adopting model Technical Codes

1318 Ordinance Nuisance Weeds

1317 Ordinance Zoning Amendment Conditional Uses

1316 Ordinance Variance Review by Council

1315 Ordinance Floodplain Revisions

1314 Ordinance – NUMBER ABANDONED – TIFD Update

1313 Ordinance Fireworks Within City Limits

1312 Ordinance Salary of City Council Members

1311 Ordinance Zoning Map and Text Amendment

1310 Ordinance-FAILED-Hoofman Rezone

1309 Ordinance Utility Rule Owner’s Consent Annexation

1308 Ordinance Water Sewer Policy

1307 Ordinance 2016 1109 Airport Zoning

1306 Ordinance Miles City Zoning Map UNOFFICIAL Public Hearing_3

1306 Ordinance 2016 1011 Zoning Update

1305 Ordinance 2016 1011 Fire Repository Units

1304 Ordinance 2016 0927 Public Nuisance

1303 Ordinance 2016 0308 Agenda Preparation

1302 Ordinance 2016 0209 Veto

1301 Ordinance 2016 0209 Capital Improvement Fund

1300 Ordinance 2015 1110 Downtown Urban Renewal Agency

1299 Ordinance 2015 1013 Extend Deadline of Emergency

1298 Ordinance 2015 0811 Firearms Discharge

1297 Ordinance 2015 0811 Zoning Clark Addition

1296 Ordinance 2015 0714 Alcohol Drug BreathBlood Test

1295 Ordinance 2015 0512 Water and Sewer Services Accounts

1294 Ordinance 2015 0512 Urban Renewal District

1293 Ordinance 2015 0428 Establishing Wages Mayor City Judge City Treasurer

1292 Ordinance 2015 0428 Revising Advertisement for Bids

1291 Ordinance FAILED 2015 0414 Increase in City Council Pay

1290 Interim Ordinance 2015 0414 Sexually Oriented Business

1289 Ordinance Enacting Section 17-114 of City Code Requiring Liability Insurance for Park Permits

1288 Ordinance FAILED 0324 BOARD OF APPEALS pay

1287 Ordinance 2015 0324 Revising Section 24-6 through 24-10 of the Code of Ord with respect to amendment of zoning chapter or district map

1286 Ordinance 2015 0210- Emeline Rezone, 816 Atlantic Lots 9, 0, 11, 12 Block 86 of Original Townsite from Residential A to General Commercial

1286 Ordinance 2015 0210- STAFF REPORT Emeline Rezone, 816 Atlantic Lots 9, 0, 11, 12 Block 86 of Original Townsite from Residential A to General Commercial

1285 Ordinance – 2015 0113 – Change zoning from mixed zones to heavy comercial zone for Ponderosa tracts, Hardesty tracts – Sanjel

1284 Ordinance-2014 1223-to allow alternate forms of surety for persons making utility connections

1283 Ordinance-2014 1223-Changing zoning on Leighton Boulevard for Thomas Moore from Agriculture to Semi Rural

1282 Ordinance-2014 1125-Rezone for S Hwy 59, Brad Certain II

1281 Ordinance-2014 1125-Rezone for National Guard Armory, Armory subdivision

1280 Ordinance 2014 1112 Set Speed Limits in School Zones

1279 Ordinance 2014 1028 Creating & adopting urban renewal district and plan including a TIF tax increment district

1278 Ordinance 2014 0909 2012 Fire Code Adoption

1277 Ordinance 2014 0923 Amending and Revising Ords 1073 and 1262 for city water and sewer services policies

1276 Ordinance NOT PASSED 2014 0812 Executive Clemency

1275 Ordinance 2014 0812 Brad Certain Rezone

1274 Ordinance 2014 0624 Refusal to Submit to Alcohol or Blood Test

1273 Ordinance 2014 0624 An Ordinance Enacting A New Section 20-11 Of The Code Of Ordinances Of The City Of Miles City, Entitled “Maintenance Of Public Right Of Way”

1272 Ordinance NUMBER ABANDONED park liability insurance

1271 Ordinance 2014 0527 Revised Flood Code

1270 Ordinance Rezone for Diamond J Construction DENIED

1269 Ordinance – NUMBER ABANDONED – Fire Regulations

1268 Ordinance 2014 0513 Rezone of Blk 5 of Southgate from local commercial to general commercial

1267 Ordinance 2014 0422 Subdivision Regs

1266 Ordinance 2014 0422 Bypass of Committee Review of Ordinances

1265 Ordinance 2014 0408 Setting New Ambulance Rates

1264 Ordinance-2014 0325-Adopting new floodplain and floodway regulations

1263 Ordinance-2014 0325-Change Amount of Water Reconnect Fee

1262 Ordinance-2014 0325- Amending rules and regulations of public utility department – water and sewer

1261 Ordinance-2013 1210-Zone Change for Bobcat Property at Southgate

1260 Ordinance-2013 1126-Revise Planning Ordinance No 1252

1259 Ordinance for 15 mph speed limits 2013 1022

1258 Ordinance-2013 1022-Provide for Site Plan Review Process

ORDINANCE 1257:  2013 1008 NOT PASSED   Revise definition of deadly weapon

ORDINANCE 1256:  2013 1008 NOT PASSED  Restrict open carry and display of firearms by minors

1255 Ordinance Revising the Code of Ordinances with respect to allowable heights of fences, hedges and visual obstructions 2013 0924

1254 Ordinance for Preservation Officer to be under Supervision of the Mayor

ORDINANCE 1253:  VOID (pigeons)

1252 Ordinance -Map

1252 Ordinance 061113_Revise code of ordinances to conform to state statute

ORDINANCE 1251:  VOID (engine brakes)

1250 Ordinance 021213_Revise Sec. 16-43 of City Code to prohibit discharge of firearms on City owned or leased lands within 3 miles of City limits except approved shooting ranges

1249 Ordinance 021213_Restricting the budgeting and expenditure of General Fund Cash Reserves

1248 Ordinance 121112_Amending Sec. 22-2(2) of City Code amending designation of arterial streets in City

Ordinance 1247:  VOID

1246 Ordinance 072412_Amending ord. 796 to change zoning of W 171 feet of Lots, C,D and E, Lothspeich Minor Subdivision located between Haynes and Miles Community College, from C Res. to Gen. Commercial.

1245 Ordinance 072412_Amending ordinance 796 to change zoning of Tract 2A, JE Morrison Tracts, located on the SW corner of Haynes Avenue and Leighton Blvd bordering W by Legion Ave from Heavy Comm. to Gen Comm

1244 Ordinance 071012_Amending Ord. 796 to change zoning of a portion of Tract 2B of Hardesty Tracts from General Commercial to Industrial

1243 Ordinance 071012_Amending Ord. 796 to change zoning of Lots 1-8, Block 11, Richland Addition from Mobile Home Residential (MH-A) to Light Industrial (LI)

1242 Ordinance Set Police Commission Salaries

1241 Ordinance 061212_ Granting MDU a 10 year franchise agreement

1240 Ordinance FAILED Prohibiting parking of motor vehicles and campers upon private property for camping and sleeping purposes

1239 Ordinance 052212_Amending ordinance 796 to change the zoning of Tract 1 of certificate 63949 located in SW14 S23,T8N,R47E from General Commercial to Industrial

1238 Ordinance Rezone part of Miles Addition and Clark Addition from A Residential to General Commercial

1237 Ordinance Amending Sec. 5-4(b)(3) or ord. 1205, Floodplain ord (codified as Sec 12-54(b)(3) of the City Code regarding standards for residences in the floodwary fringe

1236 Ordinance Repealing and Revising City Code Regarding Firearms

1235 Ordinance 041012_permitting beer and wine sales at KOA Kampgrounds

1234 Ordinance 022812_ Amending Provisions as to City Planning Board

1233 Ordinance Authorizing and establishing procedure and imposition of Impact Fees to fund capital improvements in the City and establishing an Impact Fee Advisory Committee

1232 Ordinance 032712_Amending Section 4.7 of the Floodplain Ordinance re Notice of Violations

1231 Ordinance 021412_Amending Sec. 22-2 City Code to Define Arterial Streets

Ordinance 1230:  NUMBER ABANDONED -Amend definition of kennel defining “Animal rescue shelter” providing a permitting process regulating the operations

1229 Ordinance 041012_Establishing 15 mph speed limit on Pearl

1228 Ordinance FAILED Change Purchasing Policy

1227 Ordinance 032712_Revising animal control chapter in regard to keeping of chickens

1226 Ordinance 082311_Change to meet State Statute Oath of Office & Bonding

1225 Ordinance 080911_Change to meet State Statute Designation of elective & appointive officers

1224 Ordinance 071211_Change to meet State Statute Proscetion penalties and Jail Sentence

1223 Ordinance 071211_Amending Zoning Provisions to Permit Bed and Breakfast in A Residential Zones

1222 Ordinance 071211_Amending Zoning Provisions to Conform with Floodplain Ordinance

1221 Ordinance VETOED revising Code provisions regarding animals

1220 Ordinance 051011_rezoning Whitaker property Gov Lot 7 Section 28 T8N R47E

1219 Ordinance revising City Code reference

1218 Ordinance 032211_establishing City Code provisions re legislative powers of the City Council (2)

1217 Ordinance 032211_establishing City Code provisions re general powers of the City Council

1216 Ordinance 032211_revising City Code provisions re supervision of employees (2)

1215 Ordinance 032211_revising City Code provisions re powers of the mayor

1214 Ordinance 032211_revising City Code provisions re contracts and bids (amd 3-22-11) (2)

1213 Ordinance 022211_Amending Provisions Regarding Qualifications of Police Officers (clear) (2)

1212 Ordinance TABLED by Comm Pending Legislation

1211 Ordinance 030811_Amending Provisions Regarding Probationary Term of Firefighters (Clear)

1210 Ordinance 030811_Amending Provisions Regarding Minimum Age for Alcoholic Beverages (Clear Version)

1209 Ordinance VETOED Ordinance Medical Marijuana

1208 Ordinance 122810_Amending Provisions Regarding Council President

1207 Ordinance 112310_Liquor License Mexico Lindo

1206 Ordinance 110910_adopting 2009 International Fire Code by reference (rev 10-6-10)

1205 Ordinance 062210_Revising and Replacing Regulations for Floodplain Management Amended 062210

1204 Ordinance 071310_Amending Provisions Requiring Bonds from City Officers (Rev 6-4-10)

1203 Ordinance 051110_Amending Provisions Regarding Animals and Providing for Destruction of Vicious Dogs (Amended 5-11-10)

1202 Ordinance 042710_establishing a business improvement district

1201 Ordinance 032310_Amending Sec – Edit and clear copies and code sections

1200 Ordinance FAILED city judge salary adjustment

1199 Ordinance FAILED definition of and parking of motor vehicles and penalties

1198 Ordinance Amend Sec 2-54 of Code of Ord to Require Council Approval of Standing Committee Appointments

1197 Ordinance FAILED garage set backs

1196 Ordinance FAILED mobile communication device while operating a vehicle

1195 Ordinance 122209_Salary Ord 2009 2010

1194 Ordinance 120809_Establishing 2 Hour Parking on Jordan and Clark

1193 Ordinance 102709_Zone Change of Tract 2B-1 the Armory Addition from Gen Com to Res A

1192 Ordinance 071409_Amending Zoning Provisions Regarding Garages in Residential Districts

1191 Ordinance 052609_Adopting 2006 Fire Code by Reference

1190 Ordinance 052609_Repealing Sunset Provisions for Preservation Commission

1189 Ordinance 041409_ Amending Chapter 2 Article II concerning procedures for ordinances and resolutions (corrected)

1188 Ordinance 012709_Permanent Revisions to Health Board code sections

1187 Ordinance FAILED

1186 Ordinance 111308_Changing Zoning of 2A and COS133583 Red Rock Subdivision

1185 Ordinance 122308_Amending Provisions Regarding City Health Board

1184 Ordinance 082608_Amending Sec 3-37

1183 Ordinance 072208_Changing Zoning of Lot 2, Tract 2A, Armory Addition

1182 Ordinance 081208_Changing Zoning of Portion of Red Rock Subdivision

1181 Ordinance 081208_Changing Zoning of Blocks in Milestown Estates

1180 Ordinance 062408_Changing Zoning of Blocks 40 and 41 Original Townsite

1179 Ordinance 062408_Changing Zoning of Bull Pasture subdivision

1178 Ordinance 061008_Changing Zoning of Old Holy Rosary Hospital tracts

1177 Ordinance 052708_Not Passed changing zoning of portion of Red Rock Subdivision

1176 Ordinance 061008_Changing zoning of Meidinger Subdivision

1175 Ordinance 052708_Permitting Sale of Liquor in Block 5 of Miles Addition

1174 Ordinance 032508_Salary ordinance 2007 2008

1173 Ordinance 092308_Amending Subdivision Regulations

1172 Ordinance 111307_Amending Provisions Regarding City Attorney

1171 Ordinance 092507_Prohibiting Camping in City Parks

1170 Ordinance 071007_Amending Chapter on Nuisances

1169 Ordinance 061307_Requiring Park Use Permits

1168 Ordinance:  VOID

1167 Ordinance 041007_For Improvements in Maintenance Dist 207 _Milestown Estates_

1166 Ordinance 031307_Establishing C Residentail and Light Industrial Zones

1165 Ordinance 010907_Sale of Alcohol at Retail Buildings

1164 Ordinance 092606_Alcohol Variance Wal-mart

1163 Ordinance 080806_Tower Ordinance

1162 Ordinance 091206_Extending Zoning Jurisdiction to 2 Miles

1161 Ordinance 042506_Pirogue Island Rezoning

1160 Ordinance 042506_Doeden Rezoning

1159 Ordinance TABLED Establish a Police Reserve Force

1158 Ordinance 021406_Establishing Zoning Variance Fees

1157 Ordinance 021406_Providing for Flood Plain Permit fees

1156 Ordinance 122705_Relating to Truck Routes

1155 Ordinance VOID Establish City Treasurer Salary

1154 Ordinance 042605_Fireworks

1153 Ordinance 032205_Fire Dept Composition

1152 Ordinance VOID 15 mph speed zone around schools

1151 Ordinance 121404_Amend Capital Purchase Policy

1150 Ordinance 121404_ARM for fire code 2003

1149 Ordinance PRESENTED & FAILED Amending Sec 11-26 of the Code of MC relating to Composition of Fire Dept

1148 Ordinance 081604_Change Zoning of KATL Property

1147 Ordinance 110904_Failure to Return Library Personal Property

1146 Ordinance 041304_Changing Time for Council Mtgs

1145 Ordinance 092303_Salary Ordinance 2003 – 2004

1144 Ordinance 082603_Midrivers Cable TV Franchise

1143 Ordinance 061003_Airport Zoning

1142 Ordinance 061003_Airport Influence Area

1141 Ordinance 061003_Providing for Appt of City Treasurer

1140 Ordinance:  TABLED

1139 Ordinance 042203_Restricted Parking in Handicapped Zones

1138 Ordinance 102202_Amending Penalties for Dogs at Large

1137 Ordinance 091002_Permitting Sale of Alcoholic Beverages at Blue Moon Casino

1136 Ordinance TABLED Requiring Bicycle Helmets

1135 Ordinance 091002_ Amending Video Machine Licensing

1134 Ordinance: VOID

1133 Ordinance 061102_Rates Increase Ambulance

1132 Ordinance 052802_Building & Tech Code

1131 Ordinance 052802_Aircraft Landing Fees

1130 Ordinance 031202_Impound Abandoned Vehicles

1129 Ordinance 021202_Amending Salary Treatment Plant Dir

1128 Ordinance NOT PASSED Sexually Oriented Business

1127 Ordinance 100901_Salary Ord 2001 – 2002

1126 Ordinance 062201_Engine Brakes