March 20, 2020
To whom it concerns:
This is to go with the Declaration of State of Emergency. DO NOT place, read, or write about the declaration without this. This is of paramount importance that the declaration is understood for its true purpose.
This Declaration is for FEMA funds to support staffing, equipment, etc. so that municipal operations may continue on to the best of its abilities during the COVID-19 slow down the spread process.
THIS IS IN NO WAY DECLARING ANY OUTBREAK OR CONCERNS FOR THE STATE OF THE COMMUNITY. There are still no confirmed cases in this county, nor surrounding counties to the best of our knowledge at this time. There is no need for any panic or concern for this community.
You can continue to gain information from the Federal Government, State Government, CDC, DPHHS, County and City websites, Facebook, public areas where posted, and don’t hesitate to call.
Original Signed
John Hollowell
Office of the Mayor
Declaration of State of Emergency
Whereas, an epidemic of the Coronavirus Disease, COVID-19, has occurred across the United States:
Whereas, the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a global pandemic that is controllable via precautionary measures to stop the spread of the disease;
Whereas, the City faces an imminent threat to life and public health from COVID-19;
Whereas, the City will commit all available resources, and will take all possible action to combat and to alleviate the situation, local resources may not be adequate to cope with the situation, and
Whereas, it appears to be in the best interests of the citizens of the City of Miles City that a state of local disaster emergency be declared.
Section 1. A state of local disaster emergency pursuant to Section 10-3-402 of the MCA.
Section 2. This declaration of a state of local disaster emergency shall activate the response and recovery aspects of any and all local disaster emergency plans including the Custer County Emergency Operations Plan to which the City follows, to the degree as is applicable.
Section 3. The City Health Officer has the authority pursuant to Section 10-3-406, MCA, to prevent ingress or egress to all or part of the City; to direct law enforcement to enforce quarantines and curfews in all or parts of the City.
Section 4. The authority of the Mayor pursuant to 2-106, City Code of Ordinances, to administer affairs of the City Government.
Section 5. Regular meeting of the Miles City Council, as required by 2-52, of the City Code of Ordinances, will be held, following all open meeting laws dictated by MCA with the inclusion of emergency protocols that a State of Emergency may allow.
Section 6. Meetings of boards/committees that are legally required to take action prior to final city action shall continue to meet for those legally required actions. Meeting of advisory boards/committees that perform valuable advisory functions, but are not legally required to act before final city action are optional dependent upon need.
Section 7. Copies of this Declaration will be filed with the County Clerk and Recorder, the City Clerk, and the Montana Disaster and Emergency Services Division in Helena.
Section 8. The public shall be notified of this Declaration as soon as reasonable feasible through general dissemination to the news media, posting on City website, and City social media accounts, or using other means of communication appropriate for informing the general public.
Original Signed
John Hollowell
Original Signed
Lorrie Pearce
City Clerk