Current Projects

The Planning Board is in the process of a major update to the Growth Policy.  The current policy was adopted as a City-County Growth Policy and the County has adopted a separate Growth Policy since.  Also when the plan was written, 2010 census information was not available.  The Planning Board will start review of the revised introduction and a population chapter.

Growth Policy Survey Info…….. and link

Click here for Planning Board agendas

Resolution 4111 Full MHMP



The Zoning Commission is currently working on an update to the Zoning Regulations.  There are also a number of changes to bring the code more up to date and increase readability.  The Zoning Commission is currently holding study sessions. For more information on current subject call the planning office.  Click below for the staff report.

For meeting times see  AGENDA

The zoning commission has recommended that the Planning Board should review new regulations establishing a process for Site Plan Review because the zoning regulations give site plan review responsibilities to the Planning Board.  The Planning Board will begin review of the first draft on  February 19th, 2013 at 6:00pm.


The Planning Board has held a public hearing and completed review of the Subdivision Regulations to bring it into compliance with changes in State code and jurisdictional changes with the County.  The draft changes have been forwarded to the City Council for action.

Subdivision Regulations draft changes to City Council