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An interim vacancy has occurred on the City of Miles City Council, and the current Councilors will appoint an individual to fill the vacancy. The term of this appointment shall be from the date of appointment by the Council; and shall continue until December 31, 2025, or until a permanent replacement is duly elected and qualified, as this seat is required to be placed on the ballot in the 2025 general election, pursuant to MCA 7-4-4112. To be eligible for the vacancy, a person must be a US Citizen, 18 years old and a resident of Ward I for at least 60 days prior to appointment.
Persons interested in being appointed to fill the vacant term should submit a letter indicating the reasons for their interest and describing their relevant background. Letters of interest should be e-mailed to cityclerk@milescity-mt.org or mailed to the City of Miles City c/o City Clerk, PO Box 910, Miles City, MT 59301. City of Miles City Council will interview applicants and are scheduled to make the appointment at the next Regular City Council meeting.
Letters of interest will be accepted until 5:00pm on Thursday, prior to City Council meeting, or until filled.
If you have any questions please call the City Clerk’s Office at 874-8602.
Links for City Council Documents and Archives Below
Download/View City Monthly Financials
Download/View City Council Packets
The week's events
MonMonday | TueTuesday | WedWednesday | ThuThursday | FriFriday | SatSaturday | SunSunday |
May 6, 2024
May 7, 2024
May 8, 2024
May 9, 2024(1 event) |
May 10, 2024(1 event) |
May 11, 2024(1 event) |
May 12, 2024(1 event) |